Category Archives: Blog

Fall Garden Cleanup Checklist

Leaf Removal: Due to the variety of deciduous trees around, a significant leaf drop is expected. Gather and compost these leaves, but ensure those from diseased plants are properly discarded. Perennials: Once the first frost hits, trim back dead foliage to keep pests at bay. Divide and transplant perennials that appear overgrown or less energetic. […]

100 Days of Color

Creating a succession of blooms with spring flowering bulbs is a fantastic way to enjoy a vibrant and colorful garden for an extended period. By carefully selecting bulb types, following proper planting techniques, and creating thoughtful color combinations, you can achieve a 100-day display of breathtaking blossoms. Let’s dive into the details: Bulb Types: There […]

Plant Combinations for the Garden Bed at Cole Gardens:

1. Ornamental Grasses + Asters + Coneflowers: Ornamental Grasses, such as Switchgrass or Feather Reed Grass, infuse elegance and texture into the garden. Pair these with the vibrant colors of Asters and the bold presence of Coneflowers (Echinacea). Not only is this trio visually harmonious, but it also attracts beneficial pollinators. 2. Chrysanthemums + Sedum […]

Guiding Green: Transitioning Your Plants Indoors with Help from Cole Gardens

Hello to all our green-thumbed friends at Cole Gardens! As we bid adieu to summer’s warmth and welcome the crisp air of fall, it’s the perfect moment to think about relocating our cherished outdoor houseplants to the comfort of our interiors. If you’re feeling a tad overwhelmed by the task, worry not! With expert tips […]

Preparing Your New England Garden for Fall: Expert Tips from Cole Gardens

As the warmth of summer gradually gives way to the crisp and colorful embrace of fall, gardeners across New England eagerly prepare their outdoor havens for the changing season. To ensure a seamless transition, a well-rounded plan that encompasses garden cleanup, planting, soil enhancement, and frost protection is essential. At Cole Gardens, we take pride […]

Unravel the Enchantment of Summer Evenings: Design Your Perfect Moon Garden

For those who’ve dreamed of being enveloped in luminous blooms under the soft caress of moonlight, designing a moon garden is your call to magic. Moon gardens are whimsical spaces, flourishing with plants that come alive as night falls, reflecting the silvery hue of the moon’s rays. These gardens offer a tranquil escape, adding an […]

Colorful Creations: Dive into the Fun of Container Gardening at Cole Gardens

Imagine yourself as a painter, but your palette is brimming with vibrant flowers, lush foliage, and unique plant varieties, ready to bring a container garden masterpiece to life. At Cole Gardens, we believe container gardening is a fun, easy, and accessible way to bring your outdoor or indoor spaces to life, and we’re excited to […]

The Joy of July: Essential Gardening Tasks for Mid-Summer in New England

From the experts at Cole Gardens In the heart of the New England summer, our gardens burst with color, fragrance, and the buzz of diligent pollinators. The seeds we planted in spring have blossomed into a full and lush landscape. While July is a time for basking in the fruits of our efforts, there are […]